IFT obtains an accessit Distinction of Equality from CSIC

14 December, 2022

CSIC has awarded an accessit Distinction of Equality to the Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT), a mixed center of the CSIC and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM).

The jury has highlighted “the adequacy in the implementation of the measures in CSIC’s Equality Plan; the establishment of novel actions; the design of inclusive advertising content and the disaggregation by gender of personnel data; for carrying out scientific outreach activities with special attention to the encouragement of scientific vocation in girls”.

The Distinction of accreditation in gender equality in its fifth edition has been awarded to the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC). Meanwhile, the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB) has also been recognized with an accesit.


12D – “La permanente actualidad de los Derechos Humanos para un Desarrollo Sostenible y Justo

9 December, 2022

Cúpula de la sala XX de los DDHH en la sede de la ONU en Ginebra, Miquel Barceló

El día 12 de diciembre la UAM conmemora el 74º Aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos con el Diálogo “La permanente actualidad de los Derechos Humanos para un Desarrollo Sostenible y Justo“. Una conversación entre el Defensor de Pueblo Ángel Gabilondo, y la directora de Seo Birdlife, Asunción Ruiz, y conducida por la directora de la Unidad de Igualdad UAM Itziar Ruiz-Giménez. 

 Fecha: 12 de diciembre, 10:00 am

Lugar: Sala Polivalente, Plaza Mayor

Entrada Libre hasta Completar el Aforo.

Premios a la investigación L’Oréal-Unesco “For women in science”

2 December, 2022

The For Women in Science program of L’Oréal-UNESCO Spain has opened the call for the 2023 FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE RESEARCH AWARDS, to recognize and support the research work of young women scientists in Spain.

In this edition, five Prizes (of 15,000 euros each) will be awarded to the best projects developed by Spanish scientists in 2022 in an area of ​​Life and Environmental Sciences (such as biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, physiology, neuroscience, biotechnology, ecology and ethology, or other areas included with this denomination…) presented by the institutions or centers in which they work.

Link to the call

Deadline:  January 15, 2023 

Press release

New documentation available in the Website of Comisión de Mujeres y Ciencia del CSIC

29 November, 2022

The Website of CSIC’s Women and Science Committee has made available some new documentation, including:

In addition, from the CMyC website you can access the CSIC Pioneers Portal, which is a project of DIGITAL CSIC and the CMyC to make visible several pioneering CSIC female scientists and their contributions to science and technology.

“Ciencia Inclusiva y Ciudadana” por Dabiz Riaño

26 November, 2022

Con motivo del Día Internacional de las Personas con Discapacidad la Comisión de Igualdad del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM) organiza la charla “Ciencia inclusiva y ciudadana”, impartida por Dabiz Riaño,  Investigador Científico Ad Honorem en el Laboratorio Speclab, CSIC.

Lugar: Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC, Sala Roja
Fecha: 1 de diciembre de 2020
Hora: 12:00 pm

25N – Tolerancia cero ante cualquier tipo de acoso laboral o sexual en el CSIC.

25 November, 2022

Comunicado de la CMyC y la CDI del CSIC.

El acoso sexual o por razón de sexo en el ámbito laboral es también una forma de violencia de género que encuentra algunos de sus fundamentos en la discriminación por razón de sexo. Las investigaciones al respecto ponen de manifiesto que sólo el 1% de los casos de acoso sexual o por razón de sexo suelen denunciarse pese a que más de 1.400.000 mujeres han sido acosadas sexualmente en el centro de trabajo. Existe evidencia sobre que las mujeres jóvenes son las más vulnerables y acerca de que hay diferencias significativas entre las personas en relación con la percepción de lo que es y no es acoso sexual o por razón de sexo. 

La Comisión Delegada de Igualdad, la Comisión de Mujeres y Ciencia y los Comités de Igualdad de los centros del CSIC presentamos un compromiso firme ante cualquier manifestación de violencia de género en el trabajo. En el Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer, recordamos de manera contundente que no está permitido ningún tipo decomportamiento (verbal, no verbal o físico) de naturaleza sexual, cuyo propósito o efecto sea atentar contra la dignidad de una persona, en particular cuando se crea un entorno intimidatorio, hostil, degradante, humillante u ofensivo, ya sea de manera voluntaria o involuntaria.


25N – Statement on women’s rights in Iran.

25 November, 2022

Today, 25 November 2022, within the context of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Institute of Theoretical Physics (IFT), represented by its EDI committee, ratifies the statement promoted by ISGlobal and the Global Health and Research community, and gives its unconditional support to the women and girls of Iran in their rightful and peaceful fight for their rights.

We strongly condemn the violence and humiliations against the women and girls and the extreme violence and repression that the demonstrators have faced recently during rallies.

The full text of the statement and the supporting institutions can be found here.

25N – Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia Contra la Mujer.

18 November, 2022

Con motivo del 25N, Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia Contra la Mujer, la Unidad de Igualdad de Género de la UAM coordina y organiza una serie de actividades con temáticas que giran en torno a la sensibilización y erradicación de la violencia de género en general y en el entorno universitario en particular. 

Fechas: del 22 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre. 

Agenda de Actividades

Cambia el foco: #CientíficasSinFiltro

18 November, 2022

 El Departamento de Ecología (Facultad de Ciencias UAM) está organizando una EXPOSICIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA para visibilizar el trabajo de las mujeres que investigan en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. La idea es recopilar fotos de científicas investigando y exponer estas fotografías en el hall del edificio de Biología del 6 al 10 de febrero de 2023 y en el hall del edificio de Ciencias del 13 al 17 de febrero de 2023. También organizan una jornada de CINE FÓRUM que se desarrollará el 9 febrero, de 15h a 18h.

Todas las actividades se realizarán dentro del marco de la Jornada de Divulgación del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia del 11 de febrero de 2023.



18 November, 2022

It is critical to raise awareness about LGBTIAQ+ people in STEM and create more safer, inclusive spaces in academia.

A 2013 survey of STEM workers found that more than 40% of LGBTIAQ+ identified respondents working in STEM fields are not out to their colleagues. A 2014 study of STEM faculty at universities found that 69.2% of ‘out’ faculty members felt uncomfortable in their university department, and that those who were out were 7.2 times more likely to experience exclusionary behavior by colleagues. A 2018 study found that undergraduate sexual minority students were 7% less likely to be retained in STEM compared to switching into a non-STEM program, and 14% less likely to stay in a STEM major if they have had a research experience. Sources for the studies available at: https://500queerscientists.com/resources/

The Winter 2021 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction awarded to Pilar López Sancho

17 November, 2022

The European Physical Society has awarded the winter 2021 EPS Emmy Noether Distinction for Women in Physics to: María Pilar López Sancho, Research Professor at the Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), “For her contributions to the understanding of the electronic structure of low-dimensional materials and in recognition of her continuous, tireless and successful actions for the empowerment of women in physics.”

The award ceremony will take place on Monday, November 23 at ICMM.


SOMMA Round Table about mentoring

17 November, 2022

Mesa redonda – “Acoso: #MeToo en la ciencia española”

17 November, 2022

Se cumple un año de la publicación del libro de Ángela Bernardo “Acoso: #MeToo en la ciencia española”, que sacaba a la luz esta problemática en el entorno académico y de la investigación. Para conmemorar el 25N, Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres, hemos preparado una mesa redonda con la autora para analizar la repercusión de su libro. Trataremos del impacto que ha tenido en los medios y en el ámbito académico, en la adopción de medidas correctoras y sobre las perspectivas de futuro para atajar este problema. Nos acompañarán:

  •  Zulema Altamirano, Directora de la Unidad de Mujeres y Ciencia del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación 
  • Laura Chaparro, Responsable de redacción del Science Media Centre España.

Os esperamos el día 24 de Noviembre a las 13:00h en el Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación de la UAM.

Organizado por : Comisión de Igualdad Intercentros Campus UAM-CSIC y el Instituto universitario de estudios de la mujer.


14 November, 2022

Como cada 11 de febrero, Día Internacional de la mujer y la niña en la ciencia, desde el IFT lanzamos una nueva edición del reto #YoFisica. 

Tras el éxito de las ediciones anteriores, os presentamos: #YoFisicaEnTikTok,  un certamen de vídeos para que las y los más jóvenes os convirtáis en protagonistas y aprendáis sobre ciencia y sobre el trabajo de científicas muy conocidas en el campo de la física.


Talk by Prof. Isabel López Calderón

11 November, 2022

18th November – Day of LGBTQIA+ People in STEM

Isabel López Calderón, Professor of Genetics at Sevilla University, will present at IFT the talk: 

It is not my body, but the way you look at me: Biological bases for human sex determination

Place: Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC, Red Room
Date: November 18, 2022
Time: 15:00 pm

Los Enigmas de la Física Fundamental

5 November, 2022

Entrada libre hasta completar aforo.

También se puede seguir en directo en www.edaddeplata.org

Género y Comunicación en la Ciencia

Género y Comunicación de la Ciencia es una jornada organizada por la Cátedra de Cultura Científica de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU)

La primera edición se celebrará el 9 de febrero de 2023, en el Paraninfo de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). Durante una jornada completa, profesionales de diferentes ámbitos expondrán y debatirán sobre cómo comunicar ciencia, o temas de medio ambiente, salud, tecnología e innovación con perspectiva de género.


‘Ciencia e innovación en España: nuevas oportunidades para el talento joven’

5 November, 2022

Diálogo Ciencia e innovación en España: nuevas oportunidades para el talento joven. 

8 de noviembre. 12.30-13.30 h.

Con Diana Morant, ministra de Ciencia e Innovación, y Elena Cerdá, investigadora predoctoral en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales.

Sala Polivalente. Plaza Mayor UAM. Entrada libre hasta completar aforo previa inscripción.

‘Young Academy’ Medal, for Irene Valenzuela Agüí

28 October, 2022

Irene Valenzuela Agüí has been awarded with the medal of the Academia Joven de España.

In her inaugural speech, she discusses stereotypes in science, which can be very damaging and are a frequent reason why women abandon scientific careers.

Currently, Valenzuela is an IFT researcher (UAM-CSIC), a member of the theoretical division at CERN, and the recipient of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics’ Young Researcher Award for Theoretical Physics.

Quantum gravity, string theory, and their implications for particle physics and cosmology are the focus of her research.

Marienza Caldarola recieves the Milla Baldo Ceolin 2021 National Prize for Women in Theoretical Physics

Marianza Caldarola has won the Milla Baldo Ceolin 2021 National Prize for Women in Theoretical Physics, for the best MSc thesis in theoretical physics.

The prize is named after the late Milla Baldo Ceolin, renowned physicist who in 1963 became the first female professor at Padua University.

Marianza earned her Master’s degree at the University of Padua, in Italy. She is at present a PhD researcher at the Instituto de Física Teórica IFT UAM-CSIC.

The award ceremony for the 2021 Baldo Ceolin Milla Award was held on October 21 at the Villa Galileo in Arcetri, Florence. Other awardees include Angelica Albertini (University of Turin), Chiara Calascibetta (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Sofia Maggioni (University of Milan Bicocca) and Viviana Viggiano (University of Bari).


October 26th – Intersex Awareness Day

5 October, 2022

All over the world, newborns are subjected to reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments in a desperate attempt to fit their appearance into the canons and prejudices established by modern society. These procedures are carried out, in most cases, without the consent of the person themselves, which represents a gross violation of human rights. On the other hand, their parents are exposed to strong medical pressure to give their consent for such treatments and surgeries, without being fully aware of the negative repercussions (probably irreversible) that these procedures may have. 

This problem is widespread worldwide, and very few countries have taken strong actions to curb this kind of practice. More than 1 percent of the world’s population is born with intersex characteristics, and their human rights are worth as much as those of any other person. That is why this October 26th, we at IFT commit to Intersex Awareness Day, claiming the inviolability of their physical and mental integrity, as well as their protection against discrimination based on sexual characteristics.

We have prepared a leaflet with a list of 26 positive attitudes, compiled by InterACT,  that an ally of intersex people can take, and we invite you to review it. They cannot fight alone, and they should not.

October 26th, because intersex rights are human rights. 

“Participación de las personas con discapacidad en la comunidad. Un derecho compartido”

20 October, 2022

El Área de Atención a la Diversidad Funcional de la Oficina de Acción Solidaria y Cooperación de la UAM, organiza el curso: Participación de las personas con discapacidad en la comunidad. Un derecho compartido”.

Fechas: 24, 25, 26 y 27 de octubre de 2022.

Formulario de inscripción

Programa del curso

II Jornada sobre Igualdad de género: “Encuentros para un nuevo liderazgo de las mujeres en las Administraciones Públicas”

11 October, 2022

La II Jornada sobre Igualdad de género: “Encuentros para un nuevo liderazgo de las mujeres en las Administraciones Públicas”  se celebrará el próximo 27 de octubre en la sede del INAP (C/Atocha 106).  El objetivo de esta jornada es promover un espacio de reflexión y encuentro para abordar diferentes aspectos sobre la participación de las empleadas públicas en los procesos de transformación de las Administraciones Públicas.

La solicitud para participar se hará a través de este enlace y las peticiones se atenderán por orden de llegada.

El plazo de solicitud finaliza el próximo 21 de octubre


Statement of solidarity for the current women’s rights movement in Iran

6 October, 2022

A statement to express grief and outrage for the tragic death of the 22-year old Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, has been put forward by members of the International Community of Women in STEM and their allies.  Anyone willing to endorse the statement can do it here.

We the signatories of this statement are writing to express our grief and outrage for the tragic death of the 22-year old Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, who was taken in custody by Iranian state morality guards for allegedly violating gender-discriminatory laws regarding hair covering. 

We support and stand with Iranian women and their allies who are protesting in the streets and demanding their fundamental human right to choose their own dress without coercion, and the right to bodily integrity. 

Furthermore, we express our concern for the safety and the freedom of speech of those, from the civil society or from academia, who are advocating for human rights and the values of gender equity.

Finally, we categorically denounce any persecution or use of violence against Iranian protesters, and condemn government-sanctioned violence in general and gender-based violence in particular.

Statement of solidarity with women in Iran from the international community of women (and their allies) in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

2 October, International Day of Non-Violence

28 September, 2022

The International Day of Non-Violence is observed on 2 October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence.

The International Day, established in the General Assembly resolution A/RES/61/271 of 15 June 2007,  is an occasion to reaffirm the universal relevance of the principle of non-violence and the desire to secure a culture of peace, tolerance and understanding.


“La igualdad de género en ciencia”

26 September, 2022

“Sex and gender analysis in research and innovation” by Capitolina Díaz

14 September, 2022

The Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía is organizing a talk (hybrid
format) by Capitolina Díaz (Universidad de Valencia) on the
inclusion of sex and gender in research.

Date: Friday Sep 16th at 12:30

Live streaming here.

8th Edition – Science by woman

8 September, 2022

Women for Africa Foundation is launching the 8th call for fellowships of the program Science by Women, aimed at selecting 22 senior African women scientists to be integrated in 21 top research Spanish centers in the following areas: health and biomedicine, agriculture and food security, water, energy and climatic change.So far more than 100 fellows have enjoyed six-month research stays which have contributed to enhance their leadership in scientific research and technology transfer. You can find the presentation as well as the rules and guidelines in the link Mujeres por África 8th Edition – Science by woman.

Deadline for proposals submission: September 30, 2022


Premios FRAC al Joven Talento Científico Femenino 2022

7 September, 2022

La Fundación Real Academia de Ciencias de España (FRACE), en colaboración con Mastercard convoca la 3ª Edición de los “Premios Fundación Real Academia de Ciencias al Joven Talento Científico Femenino 2022”.

El reconocimiento a la labor de las científicas españolas se estructura en cuatro categorías: matemáticas, física y química, biología y geología, y aplicaciones de la ciencia a la tecnología. Los premios tienen una dotación económica de 2.500 euros por categoría. El plazo de presentación finaliza el próximo 15 de Octubre.


“The violent (and dark) universe in the light of gamma rays.” Outreach talk by M.A. Sánchez-Conde

3 September, 2022

The enormous advances in high-energy astrophysics in recent years have revealed an unexpected and furious cosmic ‘bestiary’ full of surprises: insatiable supermassive black holes dwelling at the center of almost all galaxies, colossal explosions of stars with tens of times the mass of our Sun, neutron stars acting as black widows in double star systems… This revolution has been possible thanks to powerful gamma-ray telescopes located both in orbit and on the ground, for example, Fermi-LAT and MAGIC. As if that were not enough, gamma rays may be the key to deciphering one of the greatest challenges of contemporary science: the nature of the enigmatic dark matter, which is believed to make up more than 80% of the matter content in the Universe and of the However, we still do not know almost everything. In this talk, we will look at the Universe to amaze us with its most violent, darkest and least known face in the light of gamma rays.

Presented by: Miguel Ángel Sánchez Conde (IFT)


When: Friday, September 30 at 8:00 p.m.

WhereA Night of Science at CSIC, Serrano 117, 28006 Madrid.

You can enjoy this talk with the passes at 7:00 p.m. (IFT pass) and 8:00 p.m.

Registration form for the talk will be available soon here.

European Researchers’ Night

3 September, 2022

On Friday, September 23rd and Friday, September 30th, 2022, the centers of the National Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) located on the Cantoblanco campus will join together one more year to celebrate the European Researchers’ Night.

On the morning of Friday 23rd, we are going to La Casa Encendida with a pre-event: La Ciencia Encendida. We will warm up the engines for the most scientific night of the year with scientific labs given by staff from these centers and a gymkhana on Nobel women.

On Friday 30th, we will be at the CSIC headquarters, Calle Serrano, 117, where we will carry out several activities aimed at educational centers in the morning; and others opened to the general public and families in the evening. Come and join us at A Night of Science at CSIC.


Gender Equity in Academia

23 August, 2022

The forthcoming workshop “Gender Equity in Academia: a first aid kit” will take place September 14-16, 2022.

This important topic will be discussed from different points of view by 12 international experts.

The workshop will be hybrid, with lecturers and attendants joining
via Zoom as well as in-person.

For more information, as well as registration (required regardless of
virtual/in-person), kindly visit this website.

Maryna Viazovsk wins prestigious Fields Medal

06 July, 2022

Maryna Viazovska is known for work on sphere packing.Credit: Fred Merz (CC-BY-SA)

Ukrainian mathematician Maryna Viazovsk is one of four winners of The Fields Medal 2022, as a means of recognizing outstanding mathematical achievement for both existing work and the promise of future success.

Viazovska, who is based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), is the second woman ever to earn the award.

Viazovsk received the award for her solution of the sphere packing problem, finding the arrangement of spheres that can take up the largest portion of a volume, in eight dimensions.


Extraordinary admission period at Bärbel Inhelder pre-school at UAM

30 June, 2022

The Bärbel Inhelder pre-school located onsite at the UAM campus is opening an extraordinary admission period for the next academic year 2022-2023 . There are vacant places in group 3 (girls and boys born in 2020).

Applications should be handed at the school from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

LGBTIAQ+ Pride on June 28

28 June, 2022

credit – A. Aguirre-Santaella

A series of violent confrontations took place outside the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in the early hours of June 28, 1969. As a result of the riots, an international LGBTIAQ+ rights movement was born.

The UAM-CSIC Institute of Theoretical Physics joins the celebration of LGBTIAQ+ Pride on June 28, 2022, proclaiming that inclusive science is the only way forward.

IFT adheres to the principles of nondiscrimination and gender equality. We encourage people from traditionally underrepresented groups to participate in our institution. Theoretical physics must be developed by all the different types of people that make up our society.

On-line Questionnaire – Mentoring of young female researchers

20 June, 2022

The Women and Science Unit of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, in collaboration with a group of experts and people in charge of different mentoring programs in R+D+I as well as the FECYT, has prepared a brief questionnaire to find out the needs, expectations and added value that this type of program would have for young female researchers. The results obtained will help in guiding the work in the different lines of action of the Ministry within a mentoring framework program with a gender approach.

Access the survey by clicking here.

El Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación crea los Premios Nacionales de Investigación para Jóvenes

1 June, 2022

El Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ha publicado  las bases de la primera convocatoria de los Premios Nacionales de Investigación para Jóvenes, un nuevo certamen creado para distinguir el mérito de investigadores e investigadoras de España que hayan alcanzado logros relevantes en las primeras etapas de sus carreras. 


E-learning training modules on gender equality in R+D+I

23 May, 2022

The State Research Agency (AEI) has published several e-learning training modules on different aspects of gender equality in R+D+I, developed in collaboration with the Women & Science Unit and the Equality Unit of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, within the framework of the European project SUPERA, as part of the actions of the Equality Plan of the AEI 2021-2023.

Complete information can be found here.

IFT researchers @FlipPhysics Workshop, organised by IFIC

25 March, 2022

This week several IFT researchers have participated in the @FlipPhysics conference by IFIC. More than 200 researchers have attended this workshop which seeks to bring together the community of physicist working in the areas of Nuclear, Particle Physics and its Applications, especially women, and also (under)-graduate, PhD students, and young researchers. Several scientific topics have been introduced in the invited talks through (mostly) women who have been successful in the field. 

Demonstration in support of Ukraine at UAM

8 March, 2022

Tomorrow, March 9 at 12 noon, the President of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Prof. Amaya Mendikoetxea, is calling for a demonstration at Plaza Mayor (UAM) to read UAM’s institutional declaration on the invasion of Ukraine and to express our unconditional support for all Ukrainian citizens. A minute of silence will then be observed for the victims of the war.

CERN Council responds to Russian invasion of Ukraine

8 March, 2022

An extraordinary meeting of the CERN Council was called by the President of Council on Tuesday 8 March during which a Resolution was adopted.

The main points of the Council’s Resolution are:

– the strong condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,

– that Russia’s Observer status to the Council is suspended

– and that new collaborations with Russian institutes will not be undertaken.

Collaboration between CERN and the Russian scientific community on ongoing projects is maintained, for the time being. CERN will continue to promote initiatives to support Ukrainian scientists and Ukrainian scientific activity in the field of high-energy physics. A summary of the main conclusions was published here

8M – International Women’s Day

8 March, 2022

Today, March 8, International Women’s Day, we will convene in front of the CFTMAT building at 12:30 pm to continue claiming for real and effective equality in all areas of society and, specifically, in science. During the event, a joint manifesto prepared by the IFT and the ICMAT,  based on the text by CRUE, will be read.

8M – Manifiesto de la Red de Igualdad de Género de las Universidades españolas

8 March, 2022

Este 8 de marzo las Unidades de Igualdad de Género de las Universidades españolas hacen visible la necesidad de seguir luchando por la igualdad efectiva entre mujeres y hombres durante todos los meses del año. El manifiesto elaborado por la RUIGEU puede encontrarse aquí

8M – Comunicado conjunto de la CMyC y CDI del CSIC

8 March, 2022

Como cada 8 de marzo, Día Internacional de las Mujeres, el CSIC se suma a la conmemoración de la lucha de las mujeres por alcanzar la igualdad de género y la plena participación en la esfera política, económica y social. 

El lema escogido por Naciones Unidas para 2022, “Igualdad de género hoy para un mañana sostenible“, pretende destacar el vínculo fundamental entre género, equidad social y cambio climático, y pone de manifiesto la relevancia de la I+D+I como herramienta fundamental e imprescindible para avanzar hacia un futuro más sostenible y equitativo.

El CSIC se enorgullece de la valiosa contribución de todas sus trabajadoras al mundo de la ciencia, la cultura y la innovación, pues constituyen un pilar clave en la consecución de una producción científica de primer nivel. Además, remarca su compromiso con la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades, la no discriminación y contra la violencia hacia las mujeres y la conciliación de la vida personal, familiar y profesional, materializado a través de las numerosas medidas desplegadas en los últimos años en el marco de los planes de igualdad y protocolos contra el acoso sexual y por razón de sexo.

Es por ello que, en esta fecha tan señalada, resulta oportuno poner en valor los logros alcanzados y reflexionar sobre los retos que aún están pendientes, en aras de seguir reforzando el papel de las mujeres en la comunidad científica y garantizar los principios de equidad e inclusividad en el seno de la organización.

UAM with Ukraine

3 March, 2022

Dear Community,

we are opening today, in the web space of our university, a channel of communication to send initiatives, support and information related to the crisis and emergency in UKRAINE:


– To inform about updated statements, both from our community, as well as from institutions, networks and other organizations with which UAM works in its social commitment.

– To make available to everyone the awareness and support actions that are held on our campus.

– To inform about the humanitarian aid channels in which we can participate, ensuring that this aid reaches its destination properly, and is accompanied by professionals in crisis intervention.

Little by little we will be updating all the actions that will be launched, we invite you to follow their update. Those activities of greater relevance will also be disseminated through social networks.

Similarly, in our community, we are contacting those members directly affected, to provide all possible support, both academic and personal. From the “Refuge Program” of our university we will work to provide the necessary support to students and PDI from the conflict zone who may request to be welcomed.

I would like to close with a broader reflection, opened to dialogue, about the role that universities should play in humanitarian crisis situations, in line with the protocol developed for this purpose by the CRUE in 2006. A philosophy that our statutes include in its article number 1, a commitment renewed in the 2025 strategy of the UAM also in its point number 1.

Thanks to all of you who have sent us support, ideas and proposals to make it possible to continue with this commitment on so many occasions and at this particular moment.

Vice Rectorate for Social Commitment and Sustainability
, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

IFT support to the EPS & RSEF declarations on Ukrain

28 February, 2022

IFT would like to support the official statements made by the European Physical Society (EPS) and by the Spanish counterpart (RSEF) condemning the continuing attacks by the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

The European Physical Society (EPS) strongly condemns the continuing attacks by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, an independent and sovereign country.

In clear violation of international law, the Russian government’s decision will have drastic and negative consequences that are difficult to foresee, including on the development of the scientific cooperation between Eastern and Western European nations.

The values of the EPS are based on the free exchange and free expression of ideas and concepts in physics that nourish the development of our civilisation, and thereby contribute to the advance of humanity.

A country that invades its peaceful neighbor and threatens the other nations clearly violates these fundamental principles.

Therefore, the EPS calls on the entire scientific community and all citizens working in physics and beyond, to be uncompromising in their protest and to take active measures against the ongoing violence of the Russian army in Ukraine.

Today, the EPS expresses its deepest solidarity with the suffering Ukrainian people who find themselves in an unwanted and tragic situation in which not only their basic freedoms but also their very lives are threatened by the armed intervention of a foreign army. The Ukrainian Physical Society is a Member Society of the EPS and, as such, the EPS will do everything in its power to help to ensure the continuity of its cooperation with Ukrainian physicists. 

Today, the EPS also sympathizes with the Russian physicists who refute the aggression of their government and suffer similarly from not being able to freely express their disagreement in their own homeland.

Today, in solidarity with our Ukrainian and Russian colleagues, the EPS suspends all joint actions co-sponsored with the Russian State for the time being. Further measures to be undertaken will be considered and acted by the next EPS Council in June 2022 in Paris, as the situation dictates.

Today, despite the dreadful and extremely dangerous crisis that the European continent is going through, the EPS firmly believes in a better future for tomorrow.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the European Physical Society, 

Luc Bergé, 

A declaration on similar terms by our mother institution, the Universidad Autónoma, can be found here

VI Jornadas en la UAM – Construyendo una Universidad inclusiva

25 February, 2022

Durante el mes de marzo la UAM celebra las VI Jornadas Construyendo una Universidad Inclusiva; con el propósito de visibilizar todas las acciones que se desarrollan en la UAM, destinadas a formar y sensibilizar en los valores relativos a la inclusión, la diversidad, la equidad, los derechos y la convivencia social e intercultural.


Activities at UAM for 8M, International Women’s Day

25 February, 2022

You can download HERE the leaflet of activities that will be organised at UAM with the occasion of 8M, International Women’s Day.

Las mujeres en la ciencia, ¿lo entiendes o te lo explicamos con 365 dibujos?

11 February, 2022

Se acerca el momento de ver el resultado final del reto #YoFísicaEnCómic. Hoy a las 10:00 lanzamos el vídeo resumen en nuestro canal de YouTube y podréis descargar en esta Web el libro digital y el póster con TODAS vuestras maravillosas contribuciones, que ya están también desplegadas en nuestra galería.

Gracias a todas las niñas y niños, chicas y chicos que habéis participado, y muchas gracias también a todas las madres, padres y docentes que habéis ayudado y animado para hacer de esta iniciativa algo tan genial.

¡Feliz 11 de febrero!


2ª Edición de la Plataforma “Científicas e Innovadoras”

Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, a través de la Unidad de Mujeres y Ciencia y en colaboración con la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), quiere dar visibilidad a científicas e innovadoras españolas reconocidas en el ámbito nacional e internacional.

Consulta la plataforma #científicaseinnovadoras, en la que se destacan mujeres con una importante labor científico-técnica en sus diferentes disciplinas y que son referentes para las nuevas generaciones de jóvenes investigadoras. Entre ellas la investigadora del IFT Irene Valenzuela Agüí, que recientemente ha recibido una ERC Starting Grant con el proyecto “Qguide: The Quantum Gravity Imprint: New Guiding Principles At Low Energies”


Comunicado conjunto
de la Comisión de Mujeres
y Ciencia y de la Comisión Delegada de Igualdad del CSIC

11 February, 2022

Comunicado conjunto de la Comisión de Mujeres y Ciencia (CMyC) y de la Comisión Delegada de Igualdad (CDI) del CSIC con motivo de la celebración esta semana del Día Internacional de las Mujeres y las Niñas en la Ciencia.


Galería de Cómics #YoFísicaEnCómic

7 February, 2022

Como venimos haciendo en los últimos años, desde el Instituto de Física Teórica queremos celebrar de manera especial el Día Internacional de las Mujeres y las Niñas en la Ciencia y este año hemos lanzado el reto #YoFísicaEnCómic. Os retamos a diseñar dibujos y cómics sobre científicas actuales.

¡Vuestra respuesta ha sido fantástica! Hemos recibido más de 350 dibujos de todas partes de España y de muchos países de Latinoamérica. Podéis verlos en nuestra galería y los incluiremos en un vídeo recopilatorio y un libro digital que lanzaremos el próximo 11 de febrero, ¡no os los perdáis!

“Women of CTA’”

9 February, 2022

On Friday 11 February at 18:30 CET, the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) will host its fourth edition of the “Women of CTA” event via livestream on the CTA YouTube and Facebook channels in recognition of the United Nations’ International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The event makes part of the global effort to raise awareness about the work and achievements of women in STEM and to promote equal opportunities in the field.

IFT researcher Judit Pérez, recently appointed as Spanish representative in the Outreach Committee of CTAO, will participate in the event.


Exhibition “Female scientists who inspire me”

7 February, 2022

Women are still underrepresented in professions and careers related to science and technology. The reasons behind this are multiple and complex, but in the face of important challenges for humanity which could put its future at risk (energetic and environmental crisis, etc) our society cannot afford the luxury of ignoring the talent of half its population. With this exhibition we try to draw attention to the role that women can play in science, with 11 examples of celebrated female scientists (both at present and from our recent past) across several scientific areas: mathematics, physics, chemistry, astrophysics, … The world of science and technology is exciting, and there is room for both women and men in it. 

Place: Cafeteria of the CFTMAT.

Dates: Feb 7th-18th, 2022.

Organizers: Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Instituto de Física Teórica, Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Madrid.

Posters by: Clara Sanjuan, Silvia Gallego, Eduardo Hernández, Miguel Camblor, Leni Bascones and Iñigo Bretos, of the ICMM-CSIC.

Más de 200 actividades organizadas por organismos adscritos al MICINN con motivo del 11F

February, 2022

El Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), el Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y el Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) -organismos dependientes del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación- organizan decenas de actividades​​​​​​​ de divulgación científica para conmemorar un año más el Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, que se celebra cada 11 de febrero.


“Katalin Karikó, de Budapest a Filadelfia”, conferencia por Lluís Montoliu con motivo del 11F

7 February, 2022

Activities at Uam for 11February

7 February, 2022


Registration is open for the @FlipPhysics Workshop, organised by IFIC

Registration is open for  the @FlipPhysics workshop, organized by the Instituto de Física Corpulscular (IFIC). This workshop seeks to bring together the community of physicist working in the areas of Nuclear, Particle Physics and its Applications, especially women, and also (under)-graduate, PhD students, and young researchers, who have the opportunity to be introduced to several scientific topics through (mostly) women who have been successful in the field. 


Irene Valenzuela receives an ERC Starting Grant

12 January, 2022

Irene Valenzuela Agüí, Ramón y Cajal researcher at IFT, has been awarded a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) in the 2021 call.

The ERC Starting Grant “Qguide: The Quantum Gravity Imprint: New Guiding Principles At Low Energies” focuses on the study of consistency constraints of quantum gravity in effective field theories describing particle physics, and the guiding principles it provides for phenomenology Beyond the Standard Model.