If you have any complaints or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any of the EDI Committee members, or report them through the anonymous form below. The information will only reach members of the EDI Committee and will be kept confidential.
The IFT is committed in the fight against harassment in the workplace, be it due to sex, gender, race, sexual orientation, functional diversity or any other personal factor. Being that the case, we hereby attach the protocols of UAM and CSIC that would apply whenever harassment is detected, aiming to protect the victim effectively in case it were to happen, as well as to prevent it and keep the workplace safe.
For information and advice, you can also contact:
- Delegate Commission for Equality at CSIC: comisiondelegadadeigualdad@csic.es.
- Deputy Secretary General for Human Resources at CSIC: sgarh@csic.es.
- UAM Gender Equality Unit: unidad.igualdad@uam.es
The Ministry of Science and Innovation also has the following channels for queries on this matter:
- Equality Unit: unidad.igualdad@ciencia.gob.es
- General Inspectorate of Services: acoso@ciencia.gob.es
- Permanent Advisory Committee: cap.acoso@ciencia.gob.es