The IFT is deeply committed to the principles of non-discrimination and equal rights and opportunities in all research, training or outreach activities, and in all policies ruling the internal workings of the institute.
The effective implementation of this compromise corresponds to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee, composed of elected representatives of all IFT research and administrative bodies. One of the first tasks of the committee has been to prepare an EDI Action Plan, reflecting the commitment of IFT with the implementation of policies that establish the principle of equal treatment, rights and opportunities for all as a strategic guide of our institution.
The EDI Action Plan has been approved by the IFT Scientific Assembly on 17 June, 2021 and has been endorsed by the IFT Director.
Being a joint research center between UAM and CSIC, the IFT abides by their corresponding equality plans, as well as the plan elaborated by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI). While the present plan adheres to these, it also considers more specific measures designed to correct those issues inherent to the theoretical physics community and, in particular, those affecting the IFT.
To elaborate this plan, an analysis phase of the current state of play in the institution has taken place, including a historical and statistical analysis in order to diagnose the IFT status quo, detect biases, in particular with regard to gender inequalities, and guide future actions.
The Action Plan includes a set of policies, designed to guarantee gender equality and to promote a balanced, diverse and inclusive environment at the IFT. The degree of implementation of these policies and the evolution of the various indicators presented in the diagnosis section, will be monitored by the EDI committee on a yearly basis.
This EDI Action Plan will be revised within a 4 year period starting from the moment of its approval.
The EDI Committee welcomes feedback from IFT members on the goals and strategies that should be implemented at the institutional level. Contributions and suggestions can be handed personally to the EDI Committee members, by e-mail to, or through the Web form available for that purpose in the Contact Us page.

The IFT is a joint institution belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM). The Equality Plans of our mother institutions, the one of the AEI and the IFT Action Plan can be downloaded in the links provided below.
We give as well a link to the informative guide published by UAM in the matter of Conciliation and Co-responsibility rights at the University.

Within the framework of the Monitoring Committee of the Third Equality Plan, UAM has published an informative guide in the matter of Conciliation and Co-responsibility rights at the University (link here). The Guide provides information on current regulations and is intended to be a dynamic document that will be updated as changes occur. Questions and suggestions can be filed through the questionnaire included in the guide.