About Us

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee at IFT started its mission on March 2020. It is integrated by elected representatives of all research and administrative bodies of the institute.

Our priority is to sustain a lively working environment at IFT that promotes, reflects and respects diversity and fosters equality and inclusion.

  • Administration

Rebeca Alameda rebeca.alamedao@uam.es

Laura Marcos Mateos


  • Information Technology

Emilio Ambite emilio.ambite@csic.es

  • Postgraduate researchers  

Alexander Bernal González alexber.97@hotmail.com

Matilda Delgado matilda.delgado@uam.es

Indira Ocampo Justiniano indira.ocampo@csic.es

Ignacio Ruiz García ignacio.ruiz@uam.es

  • Postdoctoral researchers

Andriana Makridou andriana.makridou@ift.csic.es

Rosa Sanda Seoane rosa.sanda@uam.es

  • RyC and Talento

Álvaro Alhambra

Miguel Montero mig.montero.m@gmail.com

  • Senior Staff

David Cerdeño davidg.cerdeno@gmail.com

Enrique Fernández Martínez enrique.fernandez@csic.es

Savvas Nesseris savvas.nesseris@csic.es

Carlos Pena Ruano

You can contact all members of the committee personally, through the Committees’ e-mail address ift-ed@listas.csic.es, or submitting your concerns below