
FRACE Awards for Young Female Talent

The Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain Foundation (FRACE), in agreement with MASTERCARD SPAIN, announces four awards to recognise young female scientific talent. As in previous editions, the awards are structured in the following four categories:

  • Mathematics and Related Sciences
  • Physics, Chemistry and Related Sciences
  • Biology, Geology and Related Sciences
  • Applications of Science to Technology

Each prize (one per category) will have a cash prize of 2,500 euros, with the possibility of declaring a category vacant if there are no suitable candidates.

The awards are open to women scientists of Spanish nationality, as well as foreign women whose professional careers have been developed mainly in Spain and who will be 45 years old or younger in September 2024. Candidates must have made outstanding contributions to science, whether in research, development, innovation or teaching. Their activities may have been carried out in the academic, business or administrative fields.

The application period begins on 10 September 2024 and ends at 23:59 on 20 October 2024.