My personal life
Born the 17th of April 1987 in Bordighera (Italy) from ”Dodo” and Claudio; one younger sister Sara; one (and only one) GF Marianna
My previous life
Professional Basketball Player
Professional Freestyler and Member of the AND1 italian team
Selected in the under 21 Italian Basketball National Team

My scientific life
2006- High-School, Liceo Enrico Fermi, Cecina, Mark: 100/100
2009 – Bachelor Degree in Physics, University of Genoa; Mark: 110/110. Bachelor thesis:
“Pure Lorentz Trasformations and motion without rotation in Special
Relativity” , supervisor: prof. Enrico Massa
2012 – Master Degree in Physics, University of Genoa; Mark: 110/110 Cum Laude. Master Thesis:
“M-Branes Geometries” , supervisors: prof. Stefano Giusto, Camillo Imbimbo, co-supervisor: Carlo Maria Becchi
2016 – Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, Mark:
Excelente Cum Laude. Supervisor: Oriol Pujolas
PhD Thesis: ” Gravity, Holography and Condensed Matter”
October 2015- January 2016 Visiting Ph.D. position, University of Illinois, USA, Institute for Condensed Matter Theory ICMT. Host: prof. Philip Phillips
2016–2018 Postdoctoral fellow, Crete Center for Theoretical Physics and Crete Center for Quantum Complexity and Nanotechnology, University of Crete, Greece. Group of prof. Elias Kiritsis
2018–2020 Severo Ochoa Postdoctoral fellow, Institute for Theoretical Physics IFT, CSIC/ UAM, Madrid, Spain. Group of prof. Karl Landsteiner