Mountains of Palencia

Click over the thumbnail images (all in GIF format) to get the full size picture (all in JPEG format. Sometimes the files are very big (all the sizes are indicated).


Pico Tres Mares in winter.

Thus called because at its
 feet rivers that go to three
different seas are born.


Agujas de Cardaño in winter.

(The guy is Andrés Valiente)


Agujas de Cardaño 
in the fog.


Avalanche in Pico de Las Lomas.
Springtime, León side.

(A very small one)


Pico Bistruey, Christmas.

(The guys are myself, trying to ski down)
and Carlos García Maniega
looking amazed...


Boquerón de Bobias
at dusk.

It is in between Cantabria and
 León. Here seen from Palencia.


Carazo, Christmas..
Seen from Lores.


Peña Cigal.


Peña Cigal.


Peña Cigal.


Curavacas, East face.
Christmas 1995


Curavacas, North face.

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Tomás Ortín Miguel
Last modified: Wed Mar 25 00:10:54 CET 1998