Mountains of Palencia (2)


Pico Espigüete, North-West shoulder.

An interesting climbing route.


Pico Espigüete, North-West shoulder (2).

Same rock, different climbing route


Pico Espigüete, West face.


Peña Labra, West (Palencia) side
and surroundings.


Pico Lezna, Est side, Christmas.

The guy taking a picture is Óscar Díez.
This side is great for skiing.


Pico Murcia, East side.

The picture was taken in fall,
in the trail from Cardaño de Arriba..


I don't remember.

The picture was takenin spring
and it must be the Pico de las Lomas
or the one next to it


Peña Llana, 
general view of the West side.

This is a short wall (40-50 meters)
easily accesible and great for climbing.


Peña Llana,
section of the West side (1).


Peña Llana,
section of the West side (2).


Peña Llana,
section of the West side (3).


Pozo (small lake) in Peña Prieta.

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Tomás Ortín Miguel
Last modified: Thu Nov 27 11:13:31 CET 2014