
The lectures and lodging are arranged in the Residencia "La Cristalera", the meeting and congres center of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, which has a capacity for lodging about 80 persons in single, double and triple rooms. The price for a single room is 8600 PTAS (51,69 €) per person per day and for shared rooms 8000 PTAS (48,08 €) per person per day. We suggest strongly to share rooms with other participants. In the registration form you will find the possibility to say which type of room you would like and with whom you would like to share rooms with. For people who do not wish to stay overnight, but do want to participate in the meals, special arrangements are made. For this please contact the organisers .

The Residencia offers, apart form lecturing facilities, various sports and recreation facilities: it disposes of a bar, TV and video room, various games, a garden, swimming pool, tennis, football and basketball grounds. On saturday evening there will be a conference dinner in the Residencia.

The best way of getting to the Residencia is by bus, leaving from the Plaza de Castilla in the center of Madrid (see "How to get there"). The Residencia has also an own parking place for cars.

The address of the Residencia is

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Questions and comments about this page: Bert Janssen