Welcome to `Des Eikels tweede wereldoorlog' Links
The background is an example of camouflage, called `Blur-b' as used by the Waffen-SS in the last few years of WW2. I'm told, and have seen examples in the net of, that also the regular Heer developed camouflage suits for its units. It also seems that they weren't used in great masses, so that it is quite save to say that if you see german units wearing camouflage, they are (Waffen-) SS. Should you want to buy some WW2 uniforms, headgear or whatever, have a look at these sites:
These are three of the most famous generals of WW2, to wit: Von Manstein, Patton and Guderian. Of course a few, famous to the world, are missing as: Montgomery, Zhukov, Ike and Yamamoto. I'm still looking for their pictures.


Software info : S.S.I., Avalon Hill.

Allied General: Herr Generalīs Scenarios, the Gamers's Net AG-Section.

Panzer links: Zerst"orer, Wargamer, Herr General, Der Grenadier, the General's Guild, The Gamer's Net.

Panzer History: Von Reitsch, Achtung Panzer!, Panzer Diesel, Red Steel.

Airplanes: Luft '46.

General History: RIOD.

Songs: Lili Marlene.

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