Werk in Uitvoering!!!
En Obras!
Under Construction!

Seeing the general tendency of the people´s homepages at the Institute I don´t want to
withhold from you a picture from fatter years. Let´s just say: History repeats itself!

Some links related to physics

XXX, SPIRES(DESY), SPIRES(SLAC), I.F.T., Dep. de Fis. Teor.,

CERN, CERN-theorie, Nijmegen, Nijmegen-beta,

Publishers .

Journals: Elsevier Science, Nuc. Phys..


I'm currently being sponsored by the european community, so it is only appropriate to have a link to some `European' homepages:

The European Commission.

DGXII: Science, Research and Developement!

The place to look for information on European Scholarships: CORDIS.

Links to Friendpages: B.J. te M. E. de J. te B., E.P. te N., P.S. te N., Antoninno.

Some other `useful' links

Search Engines: Lycos, Ole.

Transportation: RENFE (Spanish Railways), NS (Dutch Railways), NMBS/SNCB (Belgian Railways),

Phonebooks: KPN, Telefonica, Spanish -, Dutch Yellow Pages.

Dictionaries: Van Dale, A Webster, Britanica Online.

Some interesting(?) links: Leibstandarte, Westwood, Blizzard, Star Wars, Pictures of physicists.

This part is under construction... Even more than the rest of this page...