Welcome to my homepage
My name is Angel M. Uranga. I am
a member of the Institute for Theoretical Physics (Instituto de Física Teórica, IFT), a mixed
institute involving the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain and the
Theoretical Physics Department at the Universidad Autóonoma de Madrid.
You may wish to check the webpages of these institutions in the links below.
Welcome to my homepage, which I
have just started to update. In principle I plan to include some academic
data, like my Curriculum
Vitae , as well as some personal
links .
I am also interested providing a useful information resource on the Theoretical Physics topics involved in my research. Namely String Theory and related topics. For the moment the only available material is a Graduate Course in String Theory
Your email suggestions and/or comments
on this webpage are welcome.
Enjoy your visit