Research interests 

Some of my research interests are given below. I hope to improve the descriptions in revised versions of this page.

String theory

I am interested in diverse aspects of string theory, in particular compactification of string and M- theory, non-perturbative effects in string theory, and dynamics of D-branes. A recent topic of my interest is compactifications with p-form field strength fluxes, since they lead tractable mechanisms for moduli stabilization and supersymmetry breaking.

For an introduction to string theory, at the level of graduate student, you may be interested in checking my  Graduate Course in String Theory 

Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory

I am interested in non-perturbative dynamics of supersymmetric gauge field theories, in several dimensions. In particular, of four-dimensional $N=1$ supersymmetric theories, which may exhibit interesting infrared phenomena, like confinement, Seiberg dualities, or dynamical supersymmetry breaking. My research if often involved with the appearance of such phenomena in realizations of these gauge theories on the world-volumes of D-branes.

String theory phenomenology and model building

My research is also involved in the study of string theory compactifications with four-dimensional physics similar to the Standard Model of particle physics. This can provide some hints of how the physics we observe in Nature may arise from a string theory model.

Other topics of interest

I try to keep updated on other subfields of High Energy physics (and Cosmology) involved in the study of Physics beyond the Standard Model.

  Angel M. Uranga
Last modified, April 26th, 2005