Mountains of Palencia (5)



Peña Prieta, NE side.

This is a really impressive peak.
700 meters from the valley 
(Puertos de Rí Frío,  
 Santander side) to the top. 


Peña Prieta, North-East side (2).

From far away in a foggy day.


Peña Prieta, East side.


Peña Prieta, North side.

Just impressive.


Peña Prieta, North-West side.

The couloir in the picture is the
natural descent route to the north. 


Peña Tremaya (under a storm cloud).


Peña Tremaya (NE ridge).

A nice, easy, route goes along the ridge.


Boulders in Las Tuerces. 

This nice place is full of boulders
like these. The guy is Óscar Díez.


Peña Llana,
``Vía Paco''.

A detailed view of this short and
easy climbing route.


Pico Tres Mares in summer.

Compare with the winter view 
(full picture)


Peña Abismo.

From the top of Pico Tres Mares.


Monte Cildá.

In the flat top of this mount
there was a celtic town.
They fought hard against the Romans (August)
here and in Peña Amaya, but...

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Tomás Ortín Miguel
Last modified: Thu Nov 27 11:14:52 CET 2014