VI IFT-UAM Christmas Workshop on Particle Physics

Madrid, 18, 19 and 20 December 2000

Organizing Comitee:

  • Alberto Casas (I.F.T.-C.S.I.C.)
  • José R. Espinosa (I.F.T.-C.S.I.C)
  • Belén Gavela (I.F.T.-U.A.M.)
  • César Gómez (I.F.T.-C.S.I.C.)
  • Luis E. Ibáñez (I.F.T.-U.A.M.)
  • Tomás Ortín (I.F.T.-C.S.I.C.)
  • Mariano Quirós (I.F.T.-C.S.I.C.)

Invited speakers:

  • Costas Bachas (E.N.S., Paris)
  • Mar Bastero-Gil (U. Pisa)
  • Beatriz de Carlos (U. Sussex)
  • F. Dydak (C.E.R.N.)
  • Eduardo Eyras (U. Cambridge)
  • Pedro Ferreira (U. Oxford)
  • Matthias R. Gaberdiel (King's College, London)
  • Emidio Gabrielli (Helsinki)
  • Margarita García-Pérez (C.E.R.N.)
  • Concepción González-García (I.F.I.C., U. Valencia)
  • Rafael Hernández (I.C.T.P., Trieste)
  • Alejandro Ibarra (U. Oxford)
  • Patrick Janot (C.E.R.N.)
  • Peter John (I.F.T./C.S.I.C.)
  • María Antonia Lledó (Torino)
  • Esperanza López (C.E.R.N.)
  • Yolanda Lozano (C.E.R.N.)
  • Marcos Mariño (U. Rutgers)
  • Sergio Pastor (Munich)
  • Santiago Peris (U.A.B.)
  • Alex Pomarol (U.A.B.)
  • Riccardo Rattazzi (C.E.R.N.)
  • Stefano Rigolin (U. Michigan at Ann Arbor)
  • Ángel M. Uranga (C.E.R.N.)
  • Miguel Ángel Vázquez-Mozo (Niels Bohr Institute)
  • Óscar Vives (I.F.I.C., U. de Valencia)

Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th
F. Dydak (C.E.R.N.)

Neutrinos - yesterday, today and tomorrow

M. R. Gaberdiel (King's College)

The importance of having branes

P. Janot (C.E.R.N.)

Status of Higgs boson searches at LEP

Wellcome coffee
Morning coffee
Morning coffee
R. Hernández (I.C.T.P.)

Field Theories at the Deformed Conifold

P. John (I.F.T./C.S.I.C.)

Bubble wall velocity at the MSSM Phase Transition

M.A. Vázquez-Mozo (Niels Bohr I.)

Thermodynamics of Noncommutative 
Quantum Field Theories

E. López (C.E.R.N.)

Quasi-particules in Hot Non-commutative Theories

M. Mariño (U. Rutgers)

Exact results on tachyon condensation
in string field theory

M.C. González-García (I.F.I.C.)

Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations

M. García-Pérez (C.E.R.N.)

Mesons across the deconfinement phase transition

B. de Carlos (U. Sussex)

Domain Walls in Supersymmetric QCD

M.C. González-García (I.F.I.C.)

Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations

Y. Lozano (C.E.R.N.)

Non-commutative branes from M-theory

B. de Carlos (U. Sussex)

Domain Walls in Supersymmetric QCD

M.C. González-García (I.F.I.C.)

Phenomenology of Neutrino Oscillations

R. Rattazzi (C.E.R.N.)

Extra Dimensions, Holography and Physics at the Electroweak Scale

P. Ferreira (U. Oxford)

What are we learning from the CMB?

C. Bachas (É.N.S., Paris)

D branes in curved spacetimes

Afternoon coffee
Afternoon coffee
Afternoon coffee
S. Peris (U.A.B.)

Matching Quarks to Mesons at Large Nc

A. Pomarol (U.A.B.)

Gauge theories in a Randall-Sundrum compactification

M. Bastero-Gil (U. Pisa)

Transplanckian Physics and Dark Energy

S. Peris (U.A.B.)

>Matching Quarks to Mesons at Large Nc

A. Pomarol (U.A.B.)

Gauge theories in a Randall-Sundrum compactification

A. Ibarra (U. Oxford)

mu --> e gamma and the see-saw mechanism

Á.M. Uranga (C.E.R.N.)

D-brane probes, RR charge cancellation 
and K theory charge

E. Eyras (U. Cambridge)

The Heterotic Dyonic Instanton

S. Rigolin (U. Michigan at Ann Arbor)

CP violation in B-Bbar oscillation

S. Pastor (Munich)

Thermalization after Inflation

M.A. Lledó (Torino)

Spinor Algebras  and Supersymmetry

Ó. Vives (I.F.I.C., U. de Valencia)

More on Soft SUSY Breaking
 CP Violation


E. Gabrielli (Helsinki)

The "b--> s gamma" decay in SUSY models with non-universal A-terms

Morning Session Afternoon Session
Monday 18th L.E. Ibáñez A. Casas
Tuesday 19th C. Gómez J.R. Espinosa
Wednesday 20th T. Ortín B. Gavela

Schedule: Click here to get a gzip-compressed postscript file with the provisional program (31 Kb)

Poster: Click here to get a gzip-compressed postscript file which can be used as poster (22 Kb)

Address your comments and suggestions on this page to Tomás Ortín
Last modified: Wed Dec 20 22:31:07 CET 2000