V IFT-UAM Christmas Workshop on Particle Physics

Madrid, 20, 21 and 22 December 1999

(This page is under construction)

Organizing Comitee:

Invited speakers

Schedule: Click here to get a gzip-compressed postscript file with the provisional program (57 Kb)

If your browser does not know how to uncompress the gzip-compressed postscript file, click here to get the uncompressed postscript file with the provisional program (319 Kb)

Some directions () to get to the Workshop and to the Residencia de Estudiantes. (In preparation )

Poster: Click here to get a gzip-compressed postscript file which can be used as poster (29 Kb)

If your browser does not know how to uncompress the gzip-compressed postscript file, click here to get the uncompressed postscript file with the poster (189 Kb)

Address your comments and suggestions on this page to Tomás Ortín
Last modified: Fri Dec 17 09:17:30 CET 1999