Publication  List

 Title :   Deformed Poincaré containing the exact Lorentz algebra
 With: A.A. Kehagias, G. Zoupanos
 Ref.  : Phys. Lett. B324(1994), 20.

 Title : Exact string backgrounds from a Wess-Zumino-Witten model based on the Heisenberg group
 With: A.A. Kehagias
 Ref.  : Phys. Lett. B331(1994), 77 (hep-th/9403041).

 Title : Deformed Poincaré and field theory
 With: A.A. Kehagias, G. Zoupanos
 Ref.  : Phys. Lett. B346(1995), 262 (hep-th/9409106).

 Title : Generalized spacetime symmetries with a Hopfian structure
 Comm.: Masters thesis at the University of Nijmegen (NL)
 Ref.  : NYM-TH.95.1.

 Title :Transformation of Black-Hole hair under duality and supersymmetry
 With: E. Álvarez, T. Ortín
 Ref.  : Nucl. Phys. B508(1997), 181 (hep-th/9705094).

 Title : Black-holes, duality and Supersymmetry
 With: E. Álvarez, T. Ortín
 Ref.  :Contribution to "International Workshop on Beyond the Standard model: from theory to experiment", Valencia (E), Oct. 13-17 1997 (hep-th/9712196).

 Title : Newtonian M(atrix) cosmology
 With: E. Álvarez
 Ref.  : Phys. Lett. B426(1998), 282 (hep-th/9712136).

 Title : An Sl(2,Z) multiplet of nine-dimensional type II Supergravity theories
 With: T. Ortín
 Ref.  : Nucl. Phys. B541(1999), 195 (hep-th/9806120).

 Title : String Primer
 With: E. Álvarez
 Ref.  : J. High Energy Phys. 02 (1999) 015 (hep-th/9810240).

 Title : The D8-brane tied up: String and brane solutions in massive type IIA supergravity
 With: B. Janssen and T. Ortín
 Ref.  : Phys. Lett. B453(1999), 229 (hep-th/9901078).

 Title : Kähler Forms and cosmological solutions in Type II supergravities
 With: N. Alonso-Alberca
 Ref.  : Phys. rev. D62(2000), 047502 (hep-th/0003060).

 Title : Supersymmetry of topological Kerr-Newman-Taub-NUT-aDS spacetimes
 With: N. Alonso-Alberca and T. Ortín
 Ref.  : Class. and Quant. Grav. 17(2000), 2783 (hep-th/0003071).

 Title : Supersymmetric Brane-Worlds
 With: N. Alonso-Alberca and T. Ortín
 Ref.  : Phys. Lett. B482(2000), 400 (hep-th/0003248).

 Title : A non-Abelian Chern-Simons term for non-BPS D-branes
 With: B. Janssen
 Ref.  :Contribution to " Fourth annual European TMR Conference on Integrability, Non-perturbative Effects and symmetry in Quantum Field Theory ", Paris (Fr), Sept. 7-13 2000 (IFT-UAM/CSIC-00-26, hep-th/0009025).

 Title : An Sl(3,R) multiplet of 8-dimensional type II supergravity theories and the gauged supergravity inside
 With: N. Alonso-Alberca and T. Ortín
 Ref.  : IFT-UAM/CSIC-00-38, KUL-TF-2000/28 (hep-th/0012032).

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