


December 1st 2000 Friday, 14:00 p.m.

Gamma Ray Bursts, a Mistery being Resolved

Alvaro de Rujula


Gamma Ray Burts (GRBs) have constituted a fascinating astrophysical conundrum since their discovery in the 60's. I shall briefly review their phenomenology and the history of how the mystery is unraveling at an ever-increasing pace. I shall discuss a very recent "cannonball" model of GRBs --developed in collaboration with Arnon Dar-- that, we contend, fares very well in describing the observational properties of GRBs, and implies interesting testable predictions.

Where: Modulo C-XVI, 3rd floor, Facultad de Ciencias U.A.M., C.U. Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid

For more information about seminars at the I.F.T. e-mail José Ramón Espinosa or phone +34-91-397 4418.

More information about I.F.T. seminars and activities in http://gesalerico.ft.uam.es/activities.html

Last modified: Thu Nov 23 12:41:04 CET 2000