

(Lunch seminar)

April 11th 2000, 15:00 p.m.

Gravitino Production after Inflation

Antonio Maroto

(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

We present some results about the production of gravitinos during the preheating period after inflation. We consider the production of both, helicity 3/2 and helicity 1/2 gravitinos in models of inflation based on supergravity. In the case of helicity 1/2 gravitinos we present a new method for the calculation of the spectra based on the high-energy equivalence theorem.

Where: Modulo C-XVI, 3rd floor, Facultad de Ciencias U.A.M., C.U. Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid

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Last modified: Mon Apr 3 13:30:08 CEST 2000