

(Lunch seminar)

February 22th 2000, 15:00 p.m.

First Results of the AMS Experiment

Jorge Casaus


The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a large acceptance magnetic spectrometer designed to perform high precision measurements of cosmic rays in space in order to search for antimatter and dark matter. AMS will be installed in the international Space Station (ISS) in year 2003 for a 3-year operation period. The first results of the June 1998 precursor 10-day flight on the Space Shuttle Discovery are presented and the physics potential for the long duration exposure on the ISS is reviewed.

The almuerzo-seminario is intended to be an informal seminar and an open forum for discussion.

You are wellcome to bring your own bocata (sandwich), or coffee or tea.

Where: Modulo C-XVI, 3rd floor, Facultad de Ciencias U.A.M., C.U. Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid

For more information about seminars at the I.F.T. e-mail José Ramón Espinosa or phone +34-91-397 4418.

More information about I.F.T. seminars and activities in http://gesalerico.ft.uam.es/activities.html

Last modified: Fri Feb 11 11:56:33 CET 2000