

(Lunch seminar)

November 11th 1999, 14:00 p.m.

On Hidden Symmetry in Conformal Field Theory

Alexander Belavin

Landau Institute

The minimal models of CFT possess a few algebraic structures. Besides the Virasoro Algebra which is an explicit symmetry of these models they have also Quantum Group structure and Fermi-Bose duality. We dicuss a lattice version of Minimal models of CFT in which the information about the Fermi structure could be obtained by using of Integrable structure.

The almuerzo-seminario is intended to be an informal seminar and an open forum for discussion.

You are wellcome to bring your own bocata (sandwich), or coffee or tea.

Where: Modulo C-XVI, 3rd floor, Facultad de Ciencias U.A.M., C.U. Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid

To get more information about this seminar e-mail Tomás Ortín or phone +34-91-397-8546

More information about I.F.T. seminars and activities in http://betelgeuse.ft.uam.es/activities.html

Last modified: Wed Nov 3 07:14:40 CET 1999