

(Lunch seminar)

March 10th 1998, 2:00 p.m.

The Geodesical Rule and Topological Defect Formation

Antonio Ferrera


The chain of events usually understood to lead to the formation of topological defects during phase transitions is known as the Kibble mechanism. A central component of the mechanism is the so-called ``geodesic rule''. Although in the Abelian Higgs model the validity of the geodesic rule has been questioned recently, it is known to be valid on energetic grounds for a global U(1) symmetry breaking transition. No dynamical analisys of the rule has been carried to this date however, and some points as to how events proceed still remain obscure. This paper tries to clarify the dynamics of the geodesic rule in the context of a global U(1) model, and subsequently shed some light into the questions posed in the literature for the Abelian Higgs case.

The almuerzo-seminario is intended to be an informal seminar and an open forum for discussion.

You are wellcome to bring your own bocata (sandwich), or coffee or tea.

Where: Modulo C-XVI, 3rd floor, Facultad de Ciencias U.A.M., C.U. Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid